Member eligibility renewals are happening. Members - find out what to do to keep your insurance.
April 24, 2024
In response to the Change Healthcare cybersecurity issue, Hennepin Health has partnered with Availity for clearinghouse services and is able to accept claims submitted through Availity. Any claims files previously submitted on or after Feb. 21 to Hennepin Health will need to be submitted via Availity. Here are some answers to common questions that Hennepin Health is receiving from providers about Availity.
Hennepin Health partners with Change Healthcare for our provider portal, and the portal is currently not functional. To check member eligibility, providers can utilize MN-ITS or call Hennepin Health provider services at 612-596-1036 (press 2). To check claims status, providers currently need to call Hennepin Health provider services at 612-596-1036 (press 2).
Please note: Hennepin Health provider services can provide information on claims status, but cannot provide detailed procedure information for claims. Providers will need to reference the appropriate 835 for that information.
Providers who have not received their 835 or have remit questions should contact their clearinghouse to work with Availity Lifeline to re-enroll for 835s.
Please use payer ID 60058 to send claims directly to Hennepin Health’s claims preprocessor, Availity.